As part of The Electric Conversion campaign led by design agency Kinetic for Mini Cooper Singapore, 10 ‘Creators/Engineers’ were selected to convert an ‘Electric feeling’ submitted by members of the public into an artwork. The feeling I got to convert was:
“A small nudibranch danced in my palm during a night dive. I was screaming through my regulator.”
Being a (novice) diver myself and a great lover of the sea, I was excited to make this come to life. Very quickly, this creature took shape in my head; an environment-loving little guy, he wore embarrassing swimming tights and matchy slippers.
As this campaign was created to promote MINI’s electric car, I decided to go with an environmentally sustainable yarn— a 100% recyclable nylon yarn. To get the fuzzy texture, I chopped up the fibres, combed them out and spun them into a furry yarn. The base is black to represent the night dive, and the millions of glowing plankton K described.
Most importantly, Nudy-long-legs is holding onto a PET bottle (ocean litter) which he found drifting in the sea, and is unable to let go of until he finds a recycling bin.